Saturday, July 31, 2010

day 2

We stopped driving at 12ish, brook had like 5 red bull, and was crashing. So we stopped about 100 miles away from mount rushmore at a truck stop.. Set up the bed in the back.. And crashed... Woke up at 6 and headed towards mount rushmore.. One the route thjere was a ton of crazy birds, we hit like 4 or so. When we got to the mountain, you had to pay (I don't think so) we pulled a u turn and went to a free location, and got some pics..

Then we hunted for a cell phone store, to see why att wasn't working, and discovered that they have fail coverage for like 3000 miles of the northern center states.

We drove another 4 hours and stopped for gas, brook happened to be checking some things under the hood, and a rad pressure hose, was broken, so we ghetto fixed that, and then we were off again. Basicly no cell connection, and in a van that could die at any moment. Hourever 9 hours laters we are still good. Van is running like a top, we are planning to stop at a rest stop 50 mile outside of chicago, and then go into the city tomorrow morning.
Ben out.


  1. love the details. Keep them coming.

  2. I knew one of the cell providers had chunk the didn't cover.. Just couldn't remember which one. Hope the radiator stays fixed. :)
